Check the balance of yourself or another user
/balance [user]
Collect your daily amount
Deposit an amount into your bank
/deposit [amount, all]
Pay a user
Rob money from a user
/rob [user]
Withdraw an amount from your bank
/withdraw [amount]
Work to earn money
Act as a real 8ball
/8ball [text]
Act as a real dice
Act as a coin
Make the bot say something
/say [text]
See information about Roleplay Helper
See all commands for Roleplay Helper
See info about the server
See info about a user
/userinfo [user]
Set the max and minium amount someone can work for.
/set-work [min] [max]
See avatar of yourself or a user
/avatar [user]
Send Feedback for Roleplay Helper
Send a Suggestion for Roleplay Helper
Get the membercount of the guild
Generate a random password
/password [length]
ban a user
/ban <user> [reason]
kick a user
/kick <member> [reason]
Delete an amount of messages
/purge [amount]
Warn a user
/warn [user, reason]
Get the warnings of a user
/warnings [user, page]
Start up a session
Cancel a startup
End a session